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Renowned Speakers

Hiroki Kuwano

Hiroki Kuwano

Professor, Tohoku University Japan

Dusan Berek

Dusan Berek

Principal Research Scientist Slovakia

Jacob de Boer

Jacob de Boer

Director of Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) Netherlands

Stephen M Husbands

Stephen M Husbands

Professor of Medicinal Chemistry University of Bath UK

Boguslaw Buszewski

Boguslaw Buszewski

Professor and Chair of Evironmental Chemistry and Bioanalytics Nicolaus Copernicus University Poland

Gerhard Kratz

Gerhard Kratz

Global Sales Director ABCR GmbH & Co. KG, Karlsruhe Germany

Sergey A Piletsky

Sergey A Piletsky

Professor in Bioanalytical Chemistry University of Leicester UK

Dusan Berek

Dusan Berek

Principal Research Scientist Slovakia

Chromatographic Separation Techniques

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date Oct 17-18, 2018

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

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